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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hearbeats and Heartaches

I had a life. At least I thought I did. What illusions we live with! For the moment, I know exactly how it feels waiting to be shot. I am on a tortuous wait to be shot, the revolver all cocked and aimed. I am restless, frustrated and the journey to this heart break is known; a swing between shock, bouts of anger, cynicism, extreme sadness and a hell lot of pain. How can he understand me, my feelings, my emotions when he cannot understand himself.
The institution of marriage and committed relationships resides on bedrock of complete faith, respect, an attempt to understand and endless love. Maybe love is, after all, over-rated. It is women like me who place way too much importance in the emotion and feeling called love. I don’t see it existing anywhere. Not one bit. But then, right now, I do not even believe in the term called ‘family’. How can I when I am standing on a precipice, seeing the remains of my own scattered in front of me. No, that doesn’t exist for me either. Who am I fooling when I call anyone family?
He is all I think about.  In the world that has crumbled before my eyes since I was a child, this is the most devastating of all. And then, I wish I was dead. I wish that I had died when I was five. I wish that I had died while I stood in front of an oncoming train, playing dare with my brother. I wish I had died when the ship collided at sea. I was so sure I would die that day. There wasn't a reason there to live. There seems no reason now. Not for me to live.
A month and a half away from me and you have drifted so far away, the gaps so wide and you a fading speck in the horizon of my life as the sun sets inevitably. Six months away will kill everything. I feel so. I have a right to feel so. 
Sometimes I want to blame you for it all. Then, I think, maybe the problem is me. You are not the once who has faced rejections in love relationships. You, if ever moved away from your relationships, it involved some play of circumstance. On the other hand, look at me...I thrived on rejections. Yes. I am more than convinced it is me. Look within for answers. That's the answers I get.
What is the point of us dragging and making the torment last longer? I don't want to die a bit every day, but I think I am. It is funny and so damn right. Every activity for a man is like a game he absolutely must win. Eventually there isn't fairness.
 I have the right to deal with this in my own way, so do not even think about taking it away from me. You can go, do what you want, live your dreams. You are not someone I will ever consider an enemy, be rest assured. But I will not be your friend either. I will love you for the rest of my life I do not intend to be at the receiving end of any guilt-ridden kindness or love and care that arises out of it. What I do to take care of me will be none of your concern. I will do what is right by me. You do what you think or believe is right. Don't wonder about how I will deal with anything that comes my way. It will not be a concern of yours. I may sound like a hard-heart bitch right now, but I am a survivor. I will survive. At whatever cost. The cost will not be your concern. Don't make it your concern.
I will always love you. Love has no reason. I have no specific reason for loving you. I simply love you.
I crawl into bed at night the feeling of being unwanted and alone creeps up.  It is a dread before the nightmares begin again. I have never slept a night in my life without dreaming as far back as I can remember. All I dream these days is abandonment, fear, and despair, running after something, someone I may never quite reach or touch once again.
I do not attempt to touch or hug you even though I am quite desperate. You shrug away my hand and I withdraw feeling like an untouchable. In your sleep, for a few fleeting minutes you draw up behind me and hold me close. I feel you wanting me and then it is over. You move away. I felt at peace those few minutes. Little joys you know. I lie in bed, all alone. You probably wait for me to fall asleep so the awkwardness of not touching doesn't arise.
Why does it have to be this way? Is this what a person does to someone he loves (?) and calls his best friend? Is this what a person does? How do I balance my life? On what? How does keep-the-Faith apply here? How?
How can it hurt so much? The word 'family' just got redefined right in front of my eyes...and I realize I really stand alone. So damn alone. My dad, mom, kid...everyone already so scattered and now I also face the truth that I am not family to you either. Damn! I just realized that I really stood alone. How alone is alone? 
I know.
My body hurts, I bear the pain because the pain in my heart more than overwhelms me; it eats into my soul with each passing day. I feel tortured by the demons arising out of my own thoughts. I feel like a revolver, waiting to be shot. I thought I could do anything, achieve anything with you by my side. I felt you accepted me for who I was; a result of my life's experiences and some of which are you. Now, I have no goals. No values of feeling and giving to guide me. 
The weekends are the hardest. I so want to reach out, touch you, sleep in your arms, and have you hug me close as the warmth of your breath tickles my neck. I so want to kiss you, get just a tiny response so I feel alive, needed, wanted. There is none.

I am. Alone. 

Copyright @Saanjh2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

Working on Life. Death?

While we are working on life, is death really that far out of our reach?

I've often had these experiences where I find myself cut off from my life, as if I'm watching someone else go through the routine and I, stand apart, some six metres away and watch it all happen. The past couple of days has been like a re-introduction to death; death of so many feelings, emotions, dreams, feeling the air go into my lungs and I exhale and for a span of time I do neither and there is this gap where I'm just still in the real sense of the air going in, none coming out and I just stay, holding the moments together, wondering if I stay just like that, will my heart completely stop beating?

Another thing happened later the same evening, I was driving, suddenly with the rain just beginning a drizzle, listening to one of those usual 'I'm morose' kind of songs and there I start wondering what it would be like to die just now. I just got detached from the whole thing again and actually wondered if I would feel pain if I just simply crashed into something. In my mind at that moment I thought not. It would just finally be over and like the person I am, I had to get myself back to my body and begin to feel again - a different pain; the pain of having to live, the pain of having to smile and the pain of having to bear it all alone, when it could just be as simple as...

Copyright Saanjh@2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Do we complicate our Relationships deliberately?

I realize that I have lately been talking to myself quite a bit; makes me wonder just what is it that I am trying to achieve? It’s like a hive of thoughts are cramming in the tight confines of my mind, bursting and pushing to explode and release itself. Thoughts. Let me not put this as an attempt at writing a story with a definite plot and a definite predictive ending or beginning of some new doctrine of living.

There are a lot of ideas that tease and chase, meandering into my mind and flowing out into nothingness…a vast desert of dry, scorching, brown, sandy plains of nothingness, wasted as a drop would be in such harsh terrain.

So, what is it that fills my mind so, bang in the middle of the night, awake and unwilling to wake? Perhaps, I talk to my self because I am the only one who is willing to listen to me at this moment or has ever been willing to in my life. I know what I go through, surviving each day with a sense of fatality. I am not even afraid of death. Sometimes, life leaves you just as purposeless.

Relationships, a friend of mine said this evening, are always complicated. All of us complicate relationships and it is like a sort of deliberation on our parts to make a simple relationship complex. I agree. To add to her statement, I say, maybe that’s because we know our lives are mundane and to continue to exist it we want to make it interesting. I wonder if that is it. For the moment, it seems like the profoundest truth that’s ever come out of an intoxicated evening. Do we complicate all our relationships deliberately?

Earlier on, this evening again; this seems to be one of those evenings when I have plenty going on in my head; I was telling another friend that I do know that somewhere, something is definitely wrong with me. I do know the truth. I have a series of unsuccessful relationships to prove the fact that men never can stand up for me. No matter how much I love my man, there seems to be some kind of eternal flaw each of them see in me which they find hard to live with. Why do I keep blaming them? Yet, I do not remember demanding my rights. Like a complacent domesticated pet, I am around till I have some usefulness and then I am given up on; sent to the pet store to be claimed by another owner whose latest fancy is to keep a pet. Do I even exist?

Some days, even now, I feel a need to bring upon myself a cutting away from this entire existence. Or, do I get into these phases when I find myself completely unable to help myself live through the moments? What kind of moments I ask myself and then I feel I cannot dare to drag myself into those dark corridors which pass on and on, endless, filled with shadows, darker.

Why did I start this off? As if I don’t know that one fine day it will end up getting trashed, deleted forever, because I cannot bear to have someone else understand who or what I am. One can indeed end up wondering just what one has become. I do that. I do not know myself sometimes. It’s kind of funny because you are going through the motions and you know this really isn’t what you want to do.

So, what do I want to do? I want to probably be needed, in a way that makes me feel yes, I am wanted, wanted so much that the person wants to spend each day of the rest of his life with me and does it. May be that’s not such a hard thing; may be possible; may perhaps.

Why is it so difficult for people to stand by me? What is it that I do not give that makes him run away? Why is it that I do not push or demand like any normal person would be in a relationship? Is that why? Is it because I project myself as a convenience just because I give the person enough space? Is it because when I do that all hurt and pain gets validated and becomes a part of what I get because I try so hard to make him happy?

How do I manage my life without him? It’s empty; way too empty. I cannot think of any other person in my life I know more than I feel I know him. Perhaps I really don’t know him and all I do is fail miserably in understanding him and he simply humors me by making me feel I do understand him. Perhaps. I’m lost without him; so terribly lost. I simply find him flashing in my mind, moment after moment, pictures in my mind, like a mind camera taking in, and freezing frame after frame where the pictures tell so much more because it’s a lifetime iced up in time.

I wish so many times I could remember the first day, the first moment of him meeting me. I wish I could remember if the season was dim or bright. It just went past so unrecorded and slipped away, while I stood blindly. I wish I could have marked those moments of a world that was forming just then…it seemed so insignificant then and now meant so much more! Do we ever recall that first touch of hand, or that one glance that topples your world over? Do we even consider just when it touches us like a soft breeze and smashes our world like a storm, squishing emotions and walking all over our mind and soul?

Do we ever know? We never know then.

We are never prepared to feel and to remember until much later when it all comes back like a flash of déjà vu; spins your mind, twists your heart, leaves you cornered, breathless. I know now. I know my life had no complications. Why does the warmth of love bring with it an endless bounty of chaos and complexities for the rest of your life? Love goes away someplace else and all it leaves you with is the chaos, the complexities that came with it; souvenirs of a time that seems so surreal. I mean, until it hits you for the first time, you don’t even know. Nothing prepares your life for the pandemonium after.

A gift with a catch! The catch - a person’s life entwined with yours until it goes away leaving you addicted and parched; ever so slowly, ever so surely, ever so fatal. So, today, when I am bereft of that elusive feeling, I want to believe in myself, have faith, and win the one big fight I never in my life want to lose…no one can live an unloved and unshared life because we are not islands, because we are human, with feelings.

When you love someone sometimes it’s real hard. When he is sad, you are sad too. You want to take the grief that you hear in his voice. How do you love right so that he is happy? How do you return the twinkle back in his eyes when he smiles; all his smiles are never reaching his eyes. His soul is far away or simply neglected over other more pressing demands life has doled out; shut from everything. How do you open the doors to his soul again? There is something that has bound you together and you feel close to his heart as though you have known him from eons gone by. When you are that moved, tears flow; soul hurt and mind bruised; the feeling lingering in whiffs of a bitter sweet perfume long fading…

I have a way with words I am told. That is not true. Perhaps, I do have a better way with words on paper rather than through my voice. There is so much I wish to say but I somehow never get to because I halt in the process of saying things. The words are there, ready, coming up and then mid-way as if there is a wall, it halts at my throat, hitting an invisible wall of fear and deepest emotions that threaten more to flow as tears rather than words from my mouth.

It is this inability to further say what I want to that makes me write thoughts down. Do not look for ulterior motives in what I write. There is nothing beyond the fact that I want myself to be able to understand me. I am my own contradiction; inadequate, insatiably longing to make a home someplace from where I shall never yearn to walk away.

Yes, I am a grossly insecure person, hiding behind layers and layers of façade. I put up acts, survive behind masks that make me seem a fortress of strength. Little do I ever dream that I will meet someone who will instantly see through the layers and layers of pretence and bravado and see me for who I really am; a frightened girl, so afraid of her own self and the world around that she does not let anyone even get near her shadow.

I am most afraid of falling in love because it never really seems to last. Perhaps, I, who chooses to believe that the meaning of love is known to me, really have no accurate understanding of what love is or should be all about. All I know is that I have been hurt often enough in life. Not that it’s easy to understand love…I have my own understanding of the meaning of love, distorted, clear or otherwise.

What is this relationship I am in all about? It is my reality check on life and love and soul-search. This relationship is necessary for me. I am tired. Am I stupid? I guess so. I know I need him in my life. I know how much I miss him. I know I want to share little things that happen. I know I want to wake up with his face in the pillow next to mine for the rest of my life.

There are days when I think of what I want in a relationship. What we want and what we get are seldom the same. Perhaps I have only myself to blame for that. I hold no cards when I love someone. Perhaps, I never really had a man who has truly loved me. I do want my man to be able to stand up for me. I do not want a man who is embarrassed to walk beside me in public, to hold my hand and support me in what I believe. I want a man who is able to take me for who I am; someone who can make me see the real me and hold my face towards it and assure me with the warmth of his love that it is okay to look at me.

I want to be a child one moment, a girl the next and a woman yet again another moment. I want to be able to switch from one to the other without having to fear being hurt again, without having to be judged all the time, without having to keep up appearances, without having to brave it out when all I want is to cuddle up to you and just know that I can let go, that I can cry and not have to stop until I have actually stopped.

I dread using the words “I need you”. Yes, it’s true I need him. I need him to always be there for me, completely. Then, I think…what if he does not need me. What if I am the one who needs him and it’s not the other way around? I need to be needed. For me that’s the security of my daily existence. My sense of worth comes from the fact that I am needed.

I do not wish to lose my faith. I do not wish to push my feelings onto him before he has sorted out his own. And yet, I being the person I am, I do just that. I am pushing my feelings onto him. Perhaps he was not ready and perhaps this went too fast. Perhaps he needed his own time and space before he said anything or committed himself to me. Perhaps, I know, I am only fooling myself with that thought.

I am entirely insecure. I don’t hear from him; I fear that. I find a gap in his communication; I fear that. I get a voice mail instead of him taking my call; I fear that. I fear it all. It makes me insecure. I should understand him. I should know just how it’s like to be at work. I should but I still get the fears.

Life has its strange ways of coming back to make you change your outlook. Over and over again, it lets you see miracles in its strife, hope in its despair, love in its indifference, magic in the humdrum of routine things, a balance in what is thought as a raw deal. All of it is the truth of life; changes, changes and more changes.

Have I learnt all there is in life? Today is never enough, yesterday never was, and tomorrow is but a test of our understanding of today and yesterday. As I sit, gazing out to another of those pretty scented candles play on the wall, I dwell on things, linger a moment longer on the mundane and usual and find that it is extraordinary in itself. Each of us, and all that we do, are ordinary things done by ordinary people, and because of its commonness, are extraordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Just what did I learn with his presence in my life? I learnt that you could be dejected one moment and feel better the next. I feel that we can pass on our warmth to another person without really even trying sometimes. It just comes naturally most of the time. I learnt that no matter how cold we are, there exists a humanity in each of us that lets us reach out to complete strangers and make them feel better, even if its just once in a while. I learnt that there is a reason why things happen the way they do. I learnt that it is within each of us to find our self worth.

I also learnt that I continue to find excuses to validate my existence in tandem with his as if it really is there. In the middle of the night, like in bright sunlight, my relationship with the man I love is in a haze. Over the years, my heart has ached and yearned for perfection in relationships and I have discovered that as we get older the dynamics and definitions of love changes. It’s a rather complex issue in itself and yet in its complexity dwells its inane simplicity.

Life has this sick habit of handing me a pack of cards I cannot but hold and cannot but pack. I want to simply pack off, show the world the finger and say I’m doing just what I want to do, to be with this man and not ever go anywhere. A part of my mind even as I type, is pleading so much to just be sitting next to him. It’s a kind of warmth that spreads to my whole being when I think of him. It’s that cozy secure feeling that I can actually, today, sleep without any thought of even disturbing dreams touching me. I feel that I can let go and all will still be right with my world.

That’s how he makes me feel. The sound of his voice soothes me like no other. I feel so intensely about him. I am afraid of time that will take us apart instead of bringing us together and then, what will I do? How will I survive?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Are we afraid of ourselves?

What is it that holds us together? What is it that makes us stop when we know what we are doing is right by our own convictions? Why do we need to explain everything? Why do we need to draw conclusions? How much time do we spend in running after money? How much time do we spend journeying within ourselves?

The revelation of what and who we are and how we can address our own spiritual needs is a journey that is full of awe, amazement and wonder. It is like getting under your own skin to know yourself, to try and understand what holds you together and what limitations we bind ourselves making rules all the time about almost everything. We are such an opinionated lot. We judge everything that comes to us. Among all the things we learn we seem to take a much longer time to learn to just be…to just feel, to just touch, see, hear, smell, taste without making a judgment about what we see, hear, touch, taste smell, feel. There is a purpose to everything in life; a purpose to you and me existing, a purpose to our being, to our possessing senses, to having a body.

Why are we so afraid to look within ourselves?
- Saanjh

Being a Mother

I have my doubts sometimes of whether I am a good mother or not. There is guilt but there also is a daily reckoning of what was okay for today or not. One day at a time…none of us were trained to be mothers or fathers. It is not something that comes with a preset experience. It is something a parent learns. My little one teaches me a thing or two everyday…knowingly or unknowingly. I teach her too…and the learning goes on…

There are times when a parent goes through this frustration of having to do what is best for the child and yet not prejudice him/her for the future. I know the kind of kids we were and I think we should place ourselves in their shoes, think back and see for ourselves whether it was okay for us from the perspective of a child too before we lay too many demands upon them.

I see in my daughter a free spirit, a person at ten who can tackle what comes her way. She has learnt to brave it and walk over it. Yes she has her heartbreaks over which she does cry. I let her. She has not yet got the rat-race syndrome. I let her be who she wants to be except for the decent behavior part where I really can be a pain. I don’t ever wish to change that equation for her. 

I have demands on her behavior - say sorry, please, thank you, excuse me, and the hellos. Her studies have never been an issue for me. She's ten so I haven't gotten myself into the parental rat race of pushing her. She has her own sense of self-respect that makes her do her assignments on time. I really don't have the time and I'm fortunate I have a kid who is responsible enough at ten to do what she needs to do.

 I hope to God I do not push her to sacrifice her childhood days to slog beyond what is necessary for her to achieve a respectable grade. What will be respectable then is beyond me right now. It scares me when I see other parents of kids in her class, nag their kids, push and prod. 

- Saanjh